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Happy Birthday, Chairman of the Board, Frank Sinatra!

This card is filed under the category GENERAL AWESOMENESS on our Etsy shop page.

Frank Sinatra was many things to many people, a crooner, Maggio in From Here to Eternity, the head of the Rat Pack and the original celebrity destroyer of hotel rooms. But he was also remarkably generous to his friends and people in need. He donated to charities (he was responsible for the wing for the treatment of chronically-ill children at the Seattle's Children's Hospital) and gave his time freely to raise money, he paid the hospital bills for a sick and dying Joe Louis and sent a signed, blank check to his friend George Raft when he had tax troubles, telling him to fill in any amount he needed. According to his handlers, he often donated anonymously and sometimes forgot some of his acts of kindness. That's where the anecdote in our Frank Sinatra card comes into the mix.

Have you got a cool, inspiring person in your life? Gobsmack'd Greetings wants to help you thank that special someone who helped you out of that jam that one time or just let someone know they are the cat's meow. And all on 100% PCW recycled paper.

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